String Instruments

String Instruments with Lasting Quality
At Vivace, we stocks wide ranges of violins, violas, and cellos for beginners to advanced players. Our instruments are carefully chosen by expert musicians with quality sound that would last. Our delicated String Showroom is sitting inside of our store in Underwood, with friendly, knowledgeable staffs who also are musicians fuelled by love and passion for string instruments.
Setup and Repair Service
String instrument setup, repair and sound adjustment services are available at Vivace Music Stores. Our experienced in-house string technicians work with all orchestral string instruments including violin, violas, cellos, and double basses. Vivace strives to be your one-stop violin shop – from sales of new instruments, bows and strings to repairs and adjustments.
In-House Professional Advisors
It is always important to understand the quality difference of the instruments before purchasing. Instruments can sound quite different from one to the other, especially handmade violins. Ask our friendly staff how we can help you to choose a string instrument that is comfortable, east to play, responsive with beautiful tone. Good sounding quality violin results faster learning progression for students, and better performance in their exams.