Here at Vivace Violins we are happy to help you with all your string requirements needed for your school music program. With our Educational Specialist Tina Inns, based at the Underwood store, we are happy to provide you with information and quotes for all types of string instrument enquiries, for new instruments, repairs, repertoire, restringing and accessories. We can assist you and provide you with a formal quotation for quality products and services.

  • School Visit – WE GO TO YOU! School Visiting can be arranged at any time to discuss your school needs. We can also bring out instruments for you to try out.
  • Delivery Time Frame – With school orders, Vivace will do everything possible to ensure your goods arrive in an acceptable time frame. This also includes informing you of any delays in delivery from suppliers.
  • Parents Information Recruitment – Vivace Violins provides information to your parents on purchasing instruments or beginner accessories. This may be in the form of providing handouts for your parents on student instrument pricing at recruitment time, or preparing custom accessories forms to your requirements, so that you can be sure your new students will turn up with the right gear. Vivace can also attend music recruitment or information nights at your school on request.

If you would like to contact us about organising a school visit or quote, or you are a parent or student who would like advice on any kind of purchase please send an email to education@vivacemusic.com.au

Tina brings over 25 years of experience to the school music community.  She is passionate about getting all children playing an instrument as well as providing exceptional customer service. She will provide schools with cost effective yet quality solutions to meet their needs.  She understands how busy music teachers are, so her aim has always been to make their life as easy as possible.  Prompt communication is paramount as well as delivering on time. She looks forward to the Annual School Band Festival, Jazzin’ Up the Mall, held in Brisbane City, as it’s a great opportunity for schools to showcase their talents.  The event, held in July, sees over 2,500 children from all over Queensland converge on the Queen Street Mall and perform publicly to a wide audience.

For any school quotations or Festival enquiries please contact her via email – tina@vivacemusic.com.au or mobile – 0404 865 949