Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin – Violin Supple Blend



Availability: In Stock


Our different rosin blends offer you a precise way to enhance the sound of your instrument. By choosing our Supple or Crisp recipes, or even a Bespoke blend, you can optimise the brightness, clarity, warmth and richness of your sound, and vary the strength of initial attack on the string.

We can create recipes to suit varying playing contexts or repertoire, such as when playing as a concerto soloist, in chamber music or in an orchestra.

Your bespoke rosin will generally last 2-5 years with intensive use.

A warm and softer sound, consistent traction that feels velvety and rich; this recipe maintains a reliably sharp attack on the string.

The supple blend generates a more powerful and focused sound from a softer and lighter bow with less ‘bite’. Supple also enhances the sounds of a deep / warm sounding instrument by making it sound more resonant. Supple can also ‘soften’ an instrument which is too loud, bright or one-dimensional in sound.

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